Tuesday 15 May 2012

analysis of Fast Five film poser and website

analysis of fast five poster and website
the film poster
on the film poster the are three men all they all look very muscly and have guns this would make the viewer of the film poster think that this is a action film with guns and cars this would make the main target audience males, car lovers and action film lovers, you would think that this film is a action film due to the stance of the characters the guns and the car also the lighting affect of the shot is also very action like, it also looks as if it is a in a tropical country due to the blue water, the palm trees and the tall hotel like buildings, this country is Rio we also know this as at the bottom of the film poster it is called Rio heist. there is also a dodge charger rt which is an expensive car this would also mean that the budget for this film was big due to the cars the locations and the extremely famous actors.
Fast & Furious Research

1.       The name of the production for this film is Universal Pictures
2.       Fast & Furious 5 was directed by Justin Lin
3.       The budget for this film was $125 million
4.       The gross profit for this film was $626.1 million
5.       The film won 3 awards a BMI Film Music award for the films music, a Golden Trailer award for the best summer blockbuster 2011 and finely it won a teen choice award for best choice movie action film
6.        You can tell that this film had a high budget as just by looking at the film poster and the website there are very well known actors and they would of cossetted a lot of money to be in the film, also on the website and film poster there are expensive cars and locations
7.       There are features on the website and poster that this falls in to the action genre such as the guns, the outfits that the characters are wearing, the stances in which they are standing and also the lighting and effect of the film poster
8.       Looking at the website and the film poster you can tell that this film would be aimed at teenagers to young adults you can tell this by the selected actors, the guns and the cars this would also mean that the main target audience would be men

Thursday 29 March 2012

  • i am going to use Paramount Pictures production logo
  • it will be set in Russia and all across Eastern Europe in the roof tops and in  the shadows and it is an assassin action film
  • the main five parts will be fighting, main character in the shadows, arguing, gun fight scene, and a high speed chase
  • the last scene will be a gun shot then it will cut out 
  • the information we are going to show the audience is a age rating, credit block of the characters and the release date
  • the music will be the sound track from hit man blood money

Tuesday 13 March 2012

what makes a good film trailer

things that makes a good film trailer are very good sound effects such as very dramatic and loud noises to cut out plus diegetic sounds like foot steps or radio station transitions can be very effective a film you can see this in is REC in the scene where they hear foot steps and banging coming from above, another good technique for film trailers is ambient sounds these are like birds, crackling twigs etc a good film that shows this is james bond goldeneye at the end of the trailer where james bond jumps of the dam into the river and you can hear the waves in the background